Welcome to the first Belief Shines blog!

Hello! And welcome to my blog!

This is a regular look at life, with the aim of inspiring people, motivating individuals, and hopefully making your heart smile along the way!

Please feel free to contact me at russthewriter@outlook.com or fill in the contact form here www.gurnhillpublishing.com to give feedback, make suggestions, subscribe to my newsletter, or to send me your own contributions to this blog.

Any inspirational material, videos, pics or quotes - all positivity is welcome!

Thanks for visiting, and I look forward to seeing you again!

Remember; belief will always shine through any darkness...

This week's inspiring quote:

Seen or heard any words that inspired you? Let me know!

This week's inspiring photo helps us remember that no matter what, positivity will find its way through any storm. But to help it on its journey, you need to be in the right environment. Positivity feeds on positivity, not envy, jealousy; all the negatives in the world. That's why groups form, cliques stay together, true friends can reconnect across thousands of miles and many years silence. If you don't believe in yourself, how can anyone else?

To add to my inspirational photo, I give you this week's inspiring song:

Ben Harper and Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam, 'Indifference':

This version shows the lyrics:

This song sits in my soul so deeply it hurts. It demonstrates the power of communication - that the intented message is not always the one received. I'm sure Eddie never intended it to remind me of my bullied childhood, and the fact that I used this track as an anchor of strength in my difficult twenties when I felt so alone. But it did. And it gave me the strength to beat the haters in my life at that time. Respect to the power of the Word.

Have any songs that make the hairs on your neck stand up, that got you through the tough times, or just plain inspired you? Drop me a link and I'll post them!

A story about bullying I saw on the web this week made my heart smile:

Seen any heart-warming stories on the web or in the news? Send me details and I'll post them for everyone to watch or read!

I offer this advice to all parents:

Let me know your experiences of parenthood - successes or (!) disasters! I'll post the best! (Anonymity guaranteed if you like!)

Finally, I bring you this week's highlighted charity:

The British Heart Foundation

Every 3 minutes, someone in the UK is struck by a heart attack.
Around 30% of heart attacks are fatal.
Learn more here:

I bet every single one of you knows someone with a heart complaint of some type or description. You may be that person. This charity does amazing work in this area of medicine and research.

Check them out here for details:

They are constantly researching for ways to improve heart health, and could certainly use your help!

Have a charity you'd like me to feature? Drop the details into the contact form here, www.gurnhillpublishing.com and I'll feature them for you!

That's it for this week, folks!

I hope you've found something here to inspire or motivate you, or just plain make you smile!

Have an awesome week, keep believing in yourself, and I'll see you again next week, my friends!

Until then; keep shining!

Russ the writer


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